File information of mpr.dll: Mpr.dll is a Multiple Provider Router DLL file belongs to Multiple Provider Router Library developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is designed to store functions and components which are used to manage communications between Windows operating system and the installed network providers to help them get access to other multiple network protocols simultaneously. The associated files of mpr.dll contain mprapi.dll, msnp32.dll, MPOAI9.dl, mprexe.exe, wmiprvse.exe and wmpnscfg.exe.

Why does mpr.dll error appear on your computer?

It can be caused by the problems listed below:

Missing, incompatible or corrupt mpr.dll
Undesirable damage on crucial system files
Failure to update drivers
Missing or damaged driver files
Disabled or incompatible drivers
Missing or damaged registry files
Undesired registry components
Spyware invasion from cyber space
Incorrect modification on essential system files
Incorrect uninstall of third- party application

What problems will mpr.dll error bring to your computer?
Failure to load mpr.dll file
Unexpected Blue Screen of Death errors with obscure system pops- up
Black Screen of Death errors along with obscure driver pops- up
Computer no sound problems
Failure to load third- party application
Missing personal information
Failure to open critical system files
Failure to remove Windows application
Failure to keep Windows components up- to- date

How to fix mpr.dll error efficiently by the aid of simple and safe solutions?

Solution One: Re- register mpr.dll file.
You can try to re- register mpr.dll under the circumstances that it hasn’t been broken by undesirable spyware:
For Windows XP user:
Step One: From Windows desktop, click Start, and then go to Run. Type cmd onto the Run dialog box and press Enter button to enable Command Prompt utility. Or on Windows desktop, double click to run My Computer, navigate the folder to C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe.
Step Two: Type regsvr32 mpr.dll onto the Command Prompt window and press Enter to confirm the registration.

Step Three: If you have a copy of mpr.dll file on your computer, click Yes to confirm the registration. If you do not have the file on your computer, click OK.
For Windows 7 user:
Step One: Click Windows or Start if you are using Classic theme.
Step Two: Type cmd onto the latest search box above Windows menu.
Step Three: As soon as the Command Prompt appears on the screen, type
regsvr32 mpr.dll
Step Four: Press Enter.

Solution Two: Enable Windows Auto Updates.
To enable Windows Auto Updates can help you efficiently repair mpr.dll error through updating the problematic mpr.dll file:
Step One: Click Start, go to Control Panel.
Step Three: Enable the Windows Update utility.
Step Four: Follow the instruction to install AxtiveX and click “Install” to install Windows Update utility.
Step Five: Install all of the updates.
Step Six: Restart PC to confirm the modification.

Solution Three: Restore mpr.dll file from Windows Installation CD.
Due to the fact that mpr.dll file is a crucial system process that can be installed automatically when the system is installed on the PC, you may consider restoring it from Windows Installation CD once you have found any problems occur to it.
1. Insert the Windows installation CD.
2. Click Start, and then got to Run
3. Type expand cd Drive: \i386\rundll32.ex_c:\windows\system32\mpr.dll
4. Press the “Enter” button.
5. Restart your computer to confirm this modification.

Solution Four: Wipe out damaged Windows Update Files.
Step One: Click Start, and then go to Run. Once the command prompt windows pops up, type “net stop WuAuServ” onto it and press Enter button.
Step Two: Type “cd %windir%” onto the command prompt window, and press Enter button.
Step Three: From the latest popped- up folder, type ”ren SoftwareDistribution SD_BACKUP”, and press Enter to rename the SoftwareDistribution Folder.
Step Four: Type “net start WuAuServ” onto the command prompt to restart the Windows Update Service.
Step Five: Exit the command prompt.

Solution Five: Fix registry problems efficiently.
Windows operating system stores its configuration information, settings, options, and other values in a database called the Windows registry. It contains the information of kernel, device drivers, services, SAM, user interface and third party applications which need to make use of the registry. Any errors or problems happen on Windows registry can possibly bring about further annoying problems to your poorly optimized PC, including sharp decrease of system performance, undesirable damage on crucial system files and application files, software instability, malware attacks, Blue Screen of Death pops- up and serious driver problems. In order to fix mpr.dll error, you may firstly getting rid of the undesirable registry problems.
How to fix registry problems efficiently without system file corruption? You may consider enabling a reliable registry repair utility on your computer. A reliable registry repair utility must be designed by reputable PC experts for ensuring you a totally error- free Windows registry through helping you wiping out undesirable registry components, fixing obscure registry errors and repairing corrupt registry files. How to fix mpr.dll error and get rid of registry problems efficiently and safely?

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