What is Ntoskrnl.exe?

Ntoskrnl.exe is an extremely important file in the Microsoft Windows operating system. It handles most hardware visualization within the system, which places it solely in charge of the cache manager and memory manager. Ntoskrnl.exe is a vital Windows file which is used to start and load up the operating system. It is part of the “kernal” image family, widely used on Windows NT based operating systems, such as XP. It has other important uses also, such as hardware virtualization and process & memory management. If this file is corrupt or damaged in any way, the system will fail to boot.

What cause Ntoskrnl.exe?

When your computer appears the Ntoskrnl.exe error, the computer may appears the following messages. These reasons may cause Ntoskrnl.exe error.

Computer disk hardware configuration.

Windows registry problems.

The Ntoskrnl.exe is missing or damaged from your computer.

The partition path in the Boot.ini file is incorrectly set.

Failed of hardware components.

Low disk space

Corrupted hard disk controller

Undesirable disk errors

Damaged hardware components, such as RAM, CPU, and motherboard

Why do you need to fix Ntoskrnl.exe as soon as possible?

If your computer experiencee the Ntoskrnl.exe error, you should learn to fix it as soon as possible. Because the Ntoskrnl.exe error can cause lots of programs, such as the blue screen error, install or uninstall failure. Of course, this error can slowdow n your computer too. So in my opinion, you should fix the Ntoskrnl.exe error as soon as possible, or it can lead to many other annoying system problems like:

Sharp deterioration of PC performance

High CPU usage caused by irregular ntoskrnl.exe process

Constant BSOD pops- up

Windows could not start

Could not read from the selected boot disk

Computer crashes or freezes

Slow system performance

You can't install programs

How to fix the Ntoskrnl.exe error?

Method One: Install Ntoskrnl.exe from the Windows XP Installation CD

1. Insert the Windows XP installation CD into your CD ROM drive

2. Restart your PC, press F2 on your keyboard to boot from CD

3. After the installation files will load. Wait until this has completed then press “R” to enter the recovery console

4. In the recovery console, select the XP installation that is corrupt (Press 1 if you have only one operating system) and press enter

5. Type the administrator password to log in and press enter

6. At the recovery console command prompt, enter one of these relevant commands

For Uni-Processor (single CPU) systems:
expand <cd-drive>:\i386\ntoskrnl.ex_ <hd-drive>:\Windows\system32\Ntoskrnl.exe

For Multi-Processor (multiple CPU) systems:
expand <cd-drive>:\i386\ntkrnlmp.ex_ <hd-drive>:\Windows\system32\Ntoskrnl.exe

Solution Two: Clean up the viruses

If you visit a lot of websites or engage in a large exchange of software, it may be that your system has become infected with a virus. Some unknown viruses can cause Ntoskrnl.exe error, you can run the task manager to check if there any viruses in your computer. Here are the steps:

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and then you can see the Windows Task Manager window and then click the Processes tab.

2. If he Ntoskrnl.exe process appear in Windows Task, it means your file is infected. You should remove the viruses from your computer.

3. Reboot the system, but when the system is restarting, press F8 repeatedly, you can see a menu asking you which mode do you like to boot. Select "Safe Mode."

4. Run a full system scan with your antivirus program or spyware scanner. Being in safe mode will allow the scan to detect and remove more infected objects.

5. After the scan, you can click the Remove button.

Solution Three: Fix the registry problems

One of the most common reasons why the Ntoskrnl.exe accour is because the registry problem. Registry errors can cause lots of problems including the Ntoskrnl.exe error. Of course it will slow down your computer among so many solutions. If you want to optimize your computer, you should solve the registry problem first. You can download a registry repair tool to fix the problems. A reliable registry repair tool can not only fix the registry problems for you but also optimize the computer by cleaning the unnecessary software. You just need to install the tool, and scan your system quickly and safely, and then fix your computer, and then you can get rid of your slow computer and the registry problems.

In a word, registry problem can cause a lot of problems, such as the Ntoskrnl.exe error, computer crashes or freezes, computer slowdown, blue screen error and so on. If you want to keep your computer at its top performance, fix the registry problem is the best choice for you.

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