What is mfc80u.dll error?
Mfc80u.dll is a part of Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library and belongs to Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The associated files of mfc80u.dll contain mfc80CHS.dll, mfc80CHT.dll, mfc80DEU.dll, mfc80ENU.dll and mfc80ESP.dll.

What causes mfc80u.dll error?
You should notice the problems listed below for they can possibly lead to mfc80u.dll error messages.
Missing or damaged mfc80u.dll
Invalid version of mfc80u.dll
Mfc80u.dll install failure
Corrupt mfc80u.dll removal/repair failure
Driver update failure
Missing or corrupt driver files
Disabled or incompatible drivers
Driver load failure
Increase of undesirable registry components
Missing or corrupt registry files
Cyber threat invasion
Incorrect medication on system settings

Common mfc80u.dll error messages:
Mfc80u.dll Not Found
This application failed to start because mfc80u.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
Cannot find [PATH]\mfc80u.dll
The file mfc80u.dll is missing.
Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: mfc80u.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again.

How to fix mfc80u.dll error efficiently?
Solution One: Re- register mfc80u.dll file.
It is suggested to re- register mfc80u.dll file under the circumstances that the file hasn’t been missing or damaged by cyber threat attacks, you may consider following the instructions listed below:
For Windows XP user:
Step One: Click Start, and then go to Run.
Step Two: Type cmd onto the latest dialog box and press Enter button to enable Command Prompt utility.
Step Three: Type regsvr32 mfc80u.dll onto the Command Prompt window as soon as it pops up.
Step Four: Press Enter to confirm the modification.
For Windows 7 user:
Step One: Click Windows or Start if you are using Classic theme.
Step Two: Type cmd onto the latest search box above Windows menu.
Step Three: As soon as the Command Prompt appears on the screen, type
regsvr32 mfc80u.dll
Step Four: Press Enter.

Solution Two: Replace it with a compatible one from cyber space.
Step One: Download the compatible version of mfc80u.dll from network.
Step Two: Save it onto a hard disk. And then go to the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32.
Step Three: Locate the problematic version of mfc80u.dll on your computer.
Step Four: Rename the current version of mfc80u.dll with a name you like.
Step Five: Copy & paste the compatible version into the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32.
Step Six: Click Start and then head to Run.
Step Seven: Type cmd onto the latest pop- up and press Enter button to go into the Command mode. (In Windows 7, type cmd onto the latest search box above Windows menu.)
Step Eight: Type “regsvr32 mfc80u.dll” onto Command Prompt and then press “Enter” button.

Solution Three: Or you can replace the mfc80u.dll file with the original version. You can do this from Windows XP Recovery Console.
Here are the steps:
Step One: Insert Windows XP installation CD to your PC and then boot it.
Step Two: From Welcome to Setup, press R to enable Recovery Console utility.
Step Three: Choose the Windows XP installation you need to fix and complete the administrator password if it asks. Then the Recovery Console utility appears on the screen.
Step Four: Type cd system32 when command prompt pops up and press Enter to change to the system32 directory.
Step Five: Type ren mfc80u.dll msderun.old.dll and press Enter to rename the mfc80u.dll file.
Step Six: And then type CD-ROM_or_DVD-ROM_Drive_Letter: and press Enter to point to the CD-Rom drive. Here, CD-ROM_or_ DVD-ROM_Drive_Letter letter points to the drive letter of your CD_ROM or DVD_ROM drive.
Step Seven: Type cd \i386, and then press Enter to change to the i386 directory on the CD.
Step Eight: Type expand msderun.dl_ BootDriveLetter:\windows\system32 and then press Enter to change to extract the original mfc80u.dll file from the Windows XP CD and copy it to the system32 directory on your Windows XP computer.

Solution Four: Keep Windows up- to- date.
The automatic Windows update is classified as a useful solution to get rid of mfc80u.dll error for it can help the computer safely replace the problematic mfc80u.dll file with an error- free copy:
Step One: Click Start.
Step Two: And then go to Control Panel.
Step Three: Enable the Windows Update utility.
Step Four: Follow the instruction to install AxtiveX and click “Install” to install Windows Update utility.
Step Five: Install all of the updates.
Step Six: Restart PC.

Solution Five: Repair registry files.
The damaged registry files of mfc80u.dll can possibly result in mfc80u.dll error messages. In order to safely fix mfc80u.dll error, you may firstly try to get rid of registry problems. Manual repair of registry problems is recommended for experienced PC users. To totally repair registry problems without any damage to the system files, you may consider enabling a trusted and helpful registry repair utility on your computer. The trusted and helpful registry repair utility comes with a collection of professional services that can completely remove undesired registry files and repair registry errors. How to fix mfc80u.dll error and repair damaged registry components safely?

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